Palazzo Fani

This is a 19th century noble villa built by Nicola Fani, a landlord from Muccia. Inside, this villa preserves some frescoes.

Chiesa e Convento di San Francesco

The monastery preserves frescoes from the 14th to the 17th century. Inside there is also a 14th century Crucifix, a copy of the San Damiano Crosso, the renowned Romanesque rood in Assisi. The shrine dates back to the 13th century and preserves diverse frescoes from the 14th to the 16th century.

Chiesa di S. Maria Assunta e Cripta Romanica

This church dates back to Medieval times. Inside it preserves 18th-19th century paintings by Luigi Valery (i.e. Madonna di Costantinopoli), Girolamo and Antonio Aspri.

Ponte Romanico di Pontelatrave

Romanesque Bridge of Pontelatrave.

Castello dei Conti di San Maroto

Only few ruins remain of the original castle.


This was once a female religious community. Currently, only two farmhouses remain.

Castello di Colvenale

These are the ruins of the ancient castle belonging in the past to the Mondaldeschi family. It was ceded to the town of Camerino in 1216, along with the castle of Colpolina.

Chiesa di Santa Maria Maddalena

This church is located on the homonymous mountain at 1112 masl. It preserves very few fragments of painting that reveal a half-bust of a Crucifix and the upper part of a Mary Magdalene, in which it is possible to recognize the hand of Cola di Pietro.

Chiesa di San Giovanni dell’Isola

This building has an external porch featuring octagonal brick columns and the symbol of Saint Bernardine on them. There are also fragments of a 14th century Crucifixion.

Torre Colombaia e Palazzo Marchetti di Campi

They are both located in the hamlet of Campi. The dovecote was built using local sandstone, perhaps in the 14th century. The palace was built in the 15th century.

Chiesa di San Giusto

This church represents a singular example of Romanesque architecture in the Marche region. It was built between 1050 and 1200. It is located in San Maroto
The interior is almost bare, also because the baroque period decorations were removed after a recent restoration, however the ground floor of the tower preserves some frescoes.

Castello di Beldiletto

This castle had been built by Giovanni Da Varano. In 1464 it was transformed into a fortified villa by Giulio Cesare Varano.

Chiesa della Madonna della Pecciana

This small 18th century church is located on the road to Fiastra.

Chiesa del Rosario

This church preserves a painting depicting the Madonna with Child and the Saints Anne, John the Baptist, Charles Borromeo and Angels. There is also a 17th century fresco depicting the Crucifix.

Castello e Chiesa parrocchiale di Roccamaia

Inside, it preserves a remarkable gilded copper chalice and a fresco depicting Our Lady of Mercy.

Villa “Filippo Marchetti”

This 19th century building was the house where Filippo Marchetti, famous Italian musician, lived.

Chiesa “S.Antonio”

La chiesa presenta sul fianco portali e monofore quattrocenteschi. Internamente sulla parete destra vi è una tela settecentesca raffigurante Madonna con Bambino ed i SS, Antonio da Padova, Antonio Abate, Francesco da Paola e un altro santo. Di fronte la SS. Trinità e i SS Nicola, Giovanni Battista, Giuseppe e un altro santo (tela del settecento) e una tempera su muro raffigurante l´Assunta de i SS. Lucia, Francesco, Carlo e Antonio Abate( 1633- Giovanni Antonio Pellegrino da Milano). Sulla parete di fondo vi è un affresco raffigurante la Crocefissione tra i SS, Ansovino, Elena, Bartolomeo e Nicola(1455-Giovanni di Girolamo da Camerino).

Chiesa “Santa Maria Assunta”

Chiesa in stile romanico, costruita nel XIII° sec

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